Sunday, May 15, 2011

#12: Rihanna and Chris Meet Again... the Prophecy

I feel like I need to post this, just for documentation, proof.
On May 9, 2011, I wrote a status on facebook talking about a dream I had about Rihanna and Chris Brown. This is what happened:

I had a dream that Rihanna and Chris reunited on tv. They were standing up in this room, the walls were gray and they were in the corner, and tv cameras and were all around them. Chris and Rihanna were cozy with one another. Rihanna was talking to an interviewer saying how they were working in the studio trying to finish up a song that they had previously worked on. Then she looked at Chris and pointed and laughed at his blonde hair. The camera zoomed in as she hugged him; it looked like she was about to kiss him on the cheek but kissed him on the lips instead, then her lips turned brown o.0.

That was the dream. I'm only posting this because apparently Chris and Rihanna followed each other on twitter today. It's definitely a sign. I am one to have half-psychic dreams occasionally and I think this is one of them. Soon Chris and Rihanna will meet up and have a public encounter, just to help out Chris's career. Bet.