Thursday, July 30, 2009

#4: Michael Jackson

Man. I think I really need help. I hate to say it but ever since he died, I've obtained a liking to him. And not just ordinary fascination, but like actually liking him. You see, I didn't plan to. It's just that after I watched Moonwalker and I seen him, I was like "damn". He was just so awesome in that movie and you know I actually became envious of Katie cuz man I wish that was me. But yea. I was in denial for a while, cuz I knew it wasn't right, but you know i couldn't help myself. So one day I just was like fuck it and came out with it and accepted it. You know cuz the first step to solving a problem is admitting that you have it. I felt good for a while, you know cuz I was just out there and I felt clean cuz I got it off my conscious, but I still felt bad cuz I know its wrong. But still.

Afterwards I just went crazy and like started testing my boldness by searching for MJ videos from the 80's and looking at pictures. And it doesn't help that I've come across the sexiest picture of Michael Jackson ever:

Everytime I look at that picture, I just go wow cuz he looks so good. Now you know that's not right. But oh no, that isn't the reason I'm writing this blog. The reason is, because its gotten WORSE.
I have a real problem. For the past two days, I have had dreams about Michael Jackson. Now it wasn't nothing nasty but still dreaming about a dead man just isn't right. But I'm gonna go into detail for yall.

July 28, 2009

Dream 1: I was at my church and I was hiding out cuz the Nazis were looking for people to kill. And inside I was there with my mom, aunt, brother and we were hiding under the table. Then I got up to look out the window and i seen this van drive up, its lights hitting the window. So i ran back to tell my family that someone was coming. Then when the door opened, it ended up being the cast from Roseanne. When they came, we all went into this other room, and it were 3 beds. I took the middle bed. Then after everyone came in, Michael Jackson came in after them. So then I said to him "you can lay in the bed with me" So he came over and we layed in the bed; my back was to him and his arm around my waist and our feet were dangling off the side of the bed. o.0

July 29, 2009

Dream 2: I was at school, and they were showcasing MJ's dead body. And I was sycing it, like "you know they got MJ's body at my school." Then i went outside with my friend Lauren where the body was and sat down and watched as some movers took MJ's body away.

Dream 3: Well it wasn't really a dream but just a vision. It was 2 Michael Jacksons next to each other, but I only remember the first one cuz it was the MJ from the 80s, you know 'Bad' Michael Jackson, and I just keep looking at him cuz he looked cute lol. I have no idea which MJ the other one was cuz i wasn't focused on that one lol.

Now you see there's something wrong with that. 3 dreams with Michael Jackson in a two day span. Never in my life has that happened, no matter who I was feeling at the moment. True I've been through some phases (ie Bow Wow, Chris Brown, Deshawn Stevenson) but I've never dreamed about one person back to back like that. Truth be told, I've never even had dreams about Chris Brown or Deshawn at all. So you know this is peculiar.

As you can see, this is strange and I need help. So if you know of a Michael Jackson rehab facility, man let me know, cuz I will surely go. I know it's just a phase, but this is this weirdest phase that I have ever been through.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

#3: My Crazy Dream

Yooo I just woke up because I had a crazy dream! I don't know what to think about it, my subconscious mind wanders to things that my conscious mind would never even think of. But you wanna know what happened???

Well, in the dream, i had just gotten off the bus in front of the school, Im guessing it was thee first day. So I walk inside the school, then the scene switches to um, well um something i swear i would never do in real life lol.
But when the scene switched, I was now leaning up off the floor in the bridge position with my friend De'Ante lol. It wasn't like that though. It was like they was teaching a class or something about positions and I just wanted to try that one lol.
Then the next thing I know, De'Ante is laying on the floor, and I'm standing up. De'Ante looked like he wanted to go to sleep cuz he was all stretched out. And then some guy comes and asks if we had anything that he could use to wake somebody up, and I was about to say to use the alarm on his phone, but then I woke up.

Now what does that mean??? Crazy right? I swear man, my subconscious mind be thinking of some off the wall stuff. But omg I promise you, all my dreams are PG lol so no worries. Maybe its addressing my Scorpio nature? You know we're the sexiest sign of the zodiac :) But yea, lol i don't know about that cuz I'd never do it in real life. I'm too innocent for that 0:)

Friday, July 17, 2009

#2: I Passed!

Hey hey hey yall! Guess what? Yesterday, I got my test results back from Collegeboard. I took the AP English 11 Exam in May, and I passed! I got a 3!
If you don't know, that's a good score. According to Collegeboard's AP Central, "The end product of the AP Exams are the AP grades that are reported to students, their schools, and their designated colleges in July. The colleges use these grades as evidence of the students' abilities and achievements when they make their decisions regarding whether or not to grant credit and/or advanced placement."

The AP grade scale ranges from 5 to 1.
5 = Extremely well qualified
4 = Well qualified
3 = Qualified
2 = Possibly Qualified
1 = Not recommendation

So as you can see, in AP English 11, I'm qualified! lol. But forreal, this came as a real surprise to me. I didn't think that I was going to pass. The exam was 5 hours long, and there were 3 essays in addition to multiple choice. I felt like I only did good on 1 of the essays, so I thought I wasn't going to pass. But as you can see, as a pleasant surprise, I passed. And since I passed, depending on what college I go to, if they accept AP Exam scores as college credit, I won't have to take English as a freshman :)

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

#1: Introduction to Skibop!!

The official first blog posting from ya girl Skibop!!

The time is now 11:36 PM, Tuesday, July 14, 2009. (yes I'm that press)

What I hope to accomplish on this blog is to express my feelings on various topics, whether it be about something on the media or something going on in my life. Whatever I type here more than likely won't be on SkibopTV, because I probably didn't feel like taping it, or I have too much to say in that short amount of time.

So yeah! There you have it, for now....