Monday, February 15, 2010

#8: Revealing Dream

Tonna' this is just for you lol. I'ma change the names of the people in the dream though, I'll message you wit the real names okay? lol
Anyways, this dream took place at some random school. I think I was there because I was supposed to know this white girl that popped up throughout the dream.
But yea I was walking through the school when i walked passed this classroom that Bryan and 2 other people were hanging outside of. I glanced at him and kept walking. Then the school ordered a lockdown and all the students had to go in this one place, i guess the gym. So as I was walking towards the gym, i noticed there was an administrator blocking the front door. Made me think about NHS, how our school should do that.
Anyways, as I got towards the gym, it was getting crowded. There was a bunch of levels that I had to climb on top of and stuff. Out of nowhere Tom wrapped his arms around me and i was just like -_- um lol and so we were walking to get in the gym and he still had his arms around me. As I was about to climb up on this bridge, I glanced back and saw Bryan and thought that he might've seen me with Tom, so I kicked Tom off of me and starting going across the bridge by myself.
And that's how the dream ended lol. Randommmmm! lol I don't understand it at all