Just woke up and had this crazy random dream! Rihanna and Nick Jonas were in it. o.0 Crazy right?
Well at the beginning of the dream, Me and Rihanna were in Ms. Vogel's room, looking at a piece of paper on the ledge next to the door. She wrote her autograph on it and was explaining that that was how her label wanted her to write it. So I took the pencil and started signing her name and she was like "oh that's pretty" even though I thought the autograph i wrote looked like shyt cuz I suck at writing cursive. But anyways, the scene switched, and I was in the car with my friends Tonna', and Lauren, and Tonna's mom.
Tonna's mom was driving me to the metro station because my dad said he would pick me up from there. On the way there, my friend Lauren must have got out the car somehow because Tonna' and her mom were wondering where Lauren was going when they saw that she was walking to her apartment complex. So her mom was still driving me, when I saw that the road we were on was very muddy and wet. There was a river next to the road, and I got scared because I thought the car would slide into the water. So to be safe, I told her mom I would walk from there. I got out the car, and started walking when I realized I didn't have my shoes on. So I went back to the car and got them on. I grabbed my bag, which had a bag of Cracker Jack in it (sooo random cuz I haven't had that in years, but okay) and in my hand I had a bag of Red Hot chips (you know the kind that Utz makes). Finally, I was at the train station (i think).
There I saw Nick Jonas and he was sitting at a table with some other young white people and with him was a boy who looked like Joe Jonas, but it wasn't him. I went up the stairs, and there were people who reminded me of the Disney Channel stars. There were 2 little girls who were twins, and they looked like bootleg Olsen twins from back in the day. Then I went back downstairs and Nick was still there. I wanted to take a picture with him. I walked over to where Lyric was (yes he was in my dream, soooo random! lol) and I asked him if he wanted to take a pic with Nick Jonas, and he looked at me and was like "No." So I went over to Nick Jonas and saw that the Joe Jonas look-a-like was gone. But there was a Kevin Jonas look-a-like now. So I told Nick "that boy looks like Kevin Jonas." "Who looks like Kevin?" Nick responded, and I pointed to the boy.
Last Scene. I was back home and I was upstairs eating my hot chips, wondering why they didn't taste hot. I finished the bag and went downstairs to the kitchen. There, there were so many pizzas. There were 3 personal pizzas, 3 large pizzas stacked ontop each other, and two pizzas just by themselves. I looked through each box to see which one I wanted to eat, and I picked the one that had the banana peppers, green peppers, red peppers and yellow peppers on them.
And that was the dream. So random right? This dream makes no sense to me. Like why am I dreaming about Rihanna and Nick Jonas? The only thing that seems right is the fact that I dreamed about Rihanna. Because I've been seeing her videos on alot lately, and I think actually that her Russian Roulette video was the last video I saw of the night. I didn't watch the whole thing because I said I was getting tired of seeing her lol. But yea what doesn't make sense though is that consciously, I'm afraid of her. You know "the wait is ova, the wait is ova *PUNCH!*" right? But in the dream, it's like we're best buds and shyt. Scary.... lol. And why am I dreaming of Nick Jonas? I haven't even thought of that boy, yet he pops up in my dream. Yes he is the cutest white boy, but still he was not in my conscious mind. I was thinking of Bow Wow and Young Jinsu and Chris Brown yesterday, not Nick. And what sticks out in my mind the most is the fact that I wanted something spicy, chose something spicy to eat. What does that mean?! Man.... I need a dream dictionary like forreal. And what's also crazy is that yesterday I was looking at an old magazine and it had a little article on dreams and how to interpret them. Crazy because I end up having a dream the same night. A crazy dream at that. smh smh SMH! But yea if anyone can hook me up with some explanations, that would be good. And I kinda miss dreaming about MJ :)
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
#6: And Yet Another Michael Jackson Dream :)
Just woke up had another Michael Jackson dream :)
In the dream, Me and this other girl won some contest, idk what it was for, but we won.
I went into this building and once I walked in, there was this display case in the foyer. In the display case there were two mannequin heads. One was of Michael Jackson and a green wig was sitting atop his head.
Then when we turned the corner to go into this room, Michael Jackson was sitting in there with a camera that had a brown stocking-like material over it.
He was about to take a picture of me and the girl since we won the contest, and before he took it, he jokingly looked around the room suspiciously to make sure no one was around and he looked up me and put the peace sign up.
So I put up the peace sign for the picture, and he looked at me and flashed a beaming smile. And I started cheesing hard as hell lol, and in my mind all I was thinking of was how I wanted to take a picture with him.
Human Nature was playing in my physical mind the whole time as this dream was going on.
The dream ended cuz I was half asleep and my brother called me, so yea lol.
But man I loved this dream. It made my day. I woke up still cheesing just thinking about him. Man if he was still alive I would hug him lol. I find it funny how in the most recent dreams I've had of him, me and him are always cheesing as if we both share some huge insider. It's great! =D
This came as a real treat though because I wasn't eve thinking about him or expecting a dream and it just comes out of nowhere. On top of that, I was having a bad day, had a migraine, but once I woke up the migraine was gone and this dream was in my head.
This is also weird because yesterday when I did the photo of the day app on facebook, it was that sexy picture of Michael Jackson, (you know what I'm talking about, the one in blog #4), and I put in my status that it was a sign. Yea, it must have been a sign that I was going to dream about him again :)
Syce me! I'm still looking like this now: =DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD lmaoooooo
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
#5: How To Get Your Youtube Account Back (if claimed by Blackground Records)
Hey, it's Skibop!! I have been putting this off for a really long time because I was too damn lazy to do it, but now I'm finally going to address this situation.
Back in early March of 2009, many users that did Aaliyah fan-made videos were getting their accounts suspended. The reason was because of alleged copyright infringement from Blackground Records. Now most Aaliyah fans know that Blackground Records used to be the record label that Aaliyah was signed on when she first got into the music business. We couldn't understand why they would suspend us when all we were trying to do was keep Aaliyah's legacy alive. We weren't trying to gain monetary profit in any way.
It kind of seemed legit until my SkibopTV account got suspended. See now SkibopTV was my vlogging account. It was purely captured videos of me talking about various subjects. I couldn't understand why they would suspend such an account when I never even used any copyrighted Aaliyah videos for my vlogs. I just had Aaliyah music playing softly in the background as I spoke over it and occasionally wore my Aaliyah hoodie in videos, but that still was not a just reason to suspend me.
As I researched more into this, I realized that not every person who did Aaliyah fan-made videos got suspended. It seemed as though only the group of Aaliyah fans that I talked to had gotten their account suspended. I knew something was up. That's what made me decide to get my accounts back. I hope that if you or somebody you know got their account suspended because of copyright claim from Blackground Records, that you can follow the instructions posted below in order to get your account back:
Back in early March of 2009, many users that did Aaliyah fan-made videos were getting their accounts suspended. The reason was because of alleged copyright infringement from Blackground Records. Now most Aaliyah fans know that Blackground Records used to be the record label that Aaliyah was signed on when she first got into the music business. We couldn't understand why they would suspend us when all we were trying to do was keep Aaliyah's legacy alive. We weren't trying to gain monetary profit in any way.
It kind of seemed legit until my SkibopTV account got suspended. See now SkibopTV was my vlogging account. It was purely captured videos of me talking about various subjects. I couldn't understand why they would suspend such an account when I never even used any copyrighted Aaliyah videos for my vlogs. I just had Aaliyah music playing softly in the background as I spoke over it and occasionally wore my Aaliyah hoodie in videos, but that still was not a just reason to suspend me.
As I researched more into this, I realized that not every person who did Aaliyah fan-made videos got suspended. It seemed as though only the group of Aaliyah fans that I talked to had gotten their account suspended. I knew something was up. That's what made me decide to get my accounts back. I hope that if you or somebody you know got their account suspended because of copyright claim from Blackground Records, that you can follow the instructions posted below in order to get your account back:
- The first thing I did was visit Youtube's Help Center to find out how I could get my videos back. After reading what was posted on the page, I saw that I had two options to send a counter-notification: by mail or by sending an e-mail. I chose to use e-mail.
- I sent an e-mail to copyright@youtube.com using the e-mail address that I used to sign up for the Youtube account. In the Subject line I put "YouTube DMCA Counter-Notification."
- I began the letter with a general greeting, then stated the purpose of the letter in the first sentence.
- Immediately following, I listed my name, phone number, address, e-mail address, and youtube username.
- I then posted the title and URL for a few of my videos that got removed. (You only need one URL if you are trying to get your account back. Once they give you back your account, all the other videos will be replenished with it.)
- I restated the purpose of the letter, then added the mandatory statement "I consent to the jurisdiction of the district court in whose district I reside.I swear, under penalty of perjury, that I have a good faith belief that the material was removed or disabled as a result of a mistake or misidentification of the material to be removed or disabled."
- I then ended the letter with a closer, name, date, and an electronic signature. (If you have a facebook account, you can use a profile badge that displays your name and e-mail account as an electronic signature. You can also scan your physical signature and link/paste it into the e-mail.)
- Still confused? Click the picture on the side for an example of how your e-mail should look like -------->
- After I sent the e-mail, youtube contacted me the same day saying that they recieved the counter-notification form and explained that they were reviewing the claim. They explained that they were forwarding the email to the third-party that made the copyright claim, and that if the third-party failed to reply back to youtube about seeking a court order within 10 days, then my videos would be back on youtube.
- After the 10 days was over with, Youtube sent me another message saying that they reinstated my account and were sorry for the mistake they had made in suspending my account. I got all of my videos back, and retained everything that I had on my account prior to getting suspended. The only thing is, that once you get your account back, your videos count won't display properly on your page. So what you have to do is either upload a new video or delete an old video for it to go back to normal.
Thursday, July 30, 2009
#4: Michael Jackson
Man. I think I really need help. I hate to say it but ever since he died, I've obtained a liking to him. And not just ordinary fascination, but like actually liking him. You see, I didn't plan to. It's just that after I watched Moonwalker and I seen him, I was like "damn". He was just so awesome in that movie and you know I actually became envious of Katie cuz man I wish that was me. But yea. I was in denial for a while, cuz I knew it wasn't right, but you know i couldn't help myself. So one day I just was like fuck it and came out with it and accepted it. You know cuz the first step to solving a problem is admitting that you have it. I felt good for a while, you know cuz I was just out there and I felt clean cuz I got it off my conscious, but I still felt bad cuz I know its wrong. But still.
Afterwards I just went crazy and like started testing my boldness by searching for MJ videos from the 80's and looking at pictures. And it doesn't help that I've come across the sexiest picture of Michael Jackson ever:

Everytime I look at that picture, I just go wow cuz he looks so good. Now you know that's not right. But oh no, that isn't the reason I'm writing this blog. The reason is, because its gotten WORSE.
I have a real problem. For the past two days, I have had dreams about Michael Jackson. Now it wasn't nothing nasty but still dreaming about a dead man just isn't right. But I'm gonna go into detail for yall.
July 28, 2009
Dream 1: I was at my church and I was hiding out cuz the Nazis were looking for people to kill. And inside I was there with my mom, aunt, brother and we were hiding under the table. Then I got up to look out the window and i seen this van drive up, its lights hitting the window. So i ran back to tell my family that someone was coming. Then when the door opened, it ended up being the cast from Roseanne. When they came, we all went into this other room, and it were 3 beds. I took the middle bed. Then after everyone came in, Michael Jackson came in after them. So then I said to him "you can lay in the bed with me" So he came over and we layed in the bed; my back was to him and his arm around my waist and our feet were dangling off the side of the bed. o.0
July 29, 2009
Dream 2: I was at school, and they were showcasing MJ's dead body. And I was sycing it, like "you know they got MJ's body at my school." Then i went outside with my friend Lauren where the body was and sat down and watched as some movers took MJ's body away.
Dream 3: Well it wasn't really a dream but just a vision. It was 2 Michael Jacksons next to each other, but I only remember the first one cuz it was the MJ from the 80s, you know 'Bad' Michael Jackson, and I just keep looking at him cuz he looked cute lol. I have no idea which MJ the other one was cuz i wasn't focused on that one lol.
Now you see there's something wrong with that. 3 dreams with Michael Jackson in a two day span. Never in my life has that happened, no matter who I was feeling at the moment. True I've been through some phases (ie Bow Wow, Chris Brown, Deshawn Stevenson) but I've never dreamed about one person back to back like that. Truth be told, I've never even had dreams about Chris Brown or Deshawn at all. So you know this is peculiar.
As you can see, this is strange and I need help. So if you know of a Michael Jackson rehab facility, man let me know, cuz I will surely go. I know it's just a phase, but this is this weirdest phase that I have ever been through.
I have a real problem. For the past two days, I have had dreams about Michael Jackson. Now it wasn't nothing nasty but still dreaming about a dead man just isn't right. But I'm gonna go into detail for yall.
July 28, 2009
Dream 1: I was at my church and I was hiding out cuz the Nazis were looking for people to kill. And inside I was there with my mom, aunt, brother and we were hiding under the table. Then I got up to look out the window and i seen this van drive up, its lights hitting the window. So i ran back to tell my family that someone was coming. Then when the door opened, it ended up being the cast from Roseanne. When they came, we all went into this other room, and it were 3 beds. I took the middle bed. Then after everyone came in, Michael Jackson came in after them. So then I said to him "you can lay in the bed with me" So he came over and we layed in the bed; my back was to him and his arm around my waist and our feet were dangling off the side of the bed. o.0
July 29, 2009
Dream 2: I was at school, and they were showcasing MJ's dead body. And I was sycing it, like "you know they got MJ's body at my school." Then i went outside with my friend Lauren where the body was and sat down and watched as some movers took MJ's body away.
Dream 3: Well it wasn't really a dream but just a vision. It was 2 Michael Jacksons next to each other, but I only remember the first one cuz it was the MJ from the 80s, you know 'Bad' Michael Jackson, and I just keep looking at him cuz he looked cute lol. I have no idea which MJ the other one was cuz i wasn't focused on that one lol.
Now you see there's something wrong with that. 3 dreams with Michael Jackson in a two day span. Never in my life has that happened, no matter who I was feeling at the moment. True I've been through some phases (ie Bow Wow, Chris Brown, Deshawn Stevenson) but I've never dreamed about one person back to back like that. Truth be told, I've never even had dreams about Chris Brown or Deshawn at all. So you know this is peculiar.
As you can see, this is strange and I need help. So if you know of a Michael Jackson rehab facility, man let me know, cuz I will surely go. I know it's just a phase, but this is this weirdest phase that I have ever been through.
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
#3: My Crazy Dream
Yooo I just woke up because I had a crazy dream! I don't know what to think about it, my subconscious mind wanders to things that my conscious mind would never even think of. But you wanna know what happened???
Well, in the dream, i had just gotten off the bus in front of the school, Im guessing it was thee first day. So I walk inside the school, then the scene switches to um, well um something i swear i would never do in real life lol.
But when the scene switched, I was now leaning up off the floor in the bridge position with my friend De'Ante lol. It wasn't like that though. It was like they was teaching a class or something about positions and I just wanted to try that one lol.
Then the next thing I know, De'Ante is laying on the floor, and I'm standing up. De'Ante looked like he wanted to go to sleep cuz he was all stretched out. And then some guy comes and asks if we had anything that he could use to wake somebody up, and I was about to say to use the alarm on his phone, but then I woke up.
Now what does that mean??? Crazy right? I swear man, my subconscious mind be thinking of some off the wall stuff. But omg I promise you, all my dreams are PG lol so no worries. Maybe its addressing my Scorpio nature? You know we're the sexiest sign of the zodiac :) But yea, lol i don't know about that cuz I'd never do it in real life. I'm too innocent for that 0:)
Well, in the dream, i had just gotten off the bus in front of the school, Im guessing it was thee first day. So I walk inside the school, then the scene switches to um, well um something i swear i would never do in real life lol.
But when the scene switched, I was now leaning up off the floor in the bridge position with my friend De'Ante lol. It wasn't like that though. It was like they was teaching a class or something about positions and I just wanted to try that one lol.
Then the next thing I know, De'Ante is laying on the floor, and I'm standing up. De'Ante looked like he wanted to go to sleep cuz he was all stretched out. And then some guy comes and asks if we had anything that he could use to wake somebody up, and I was about to say to use the alarm on his phone, but then I woke up.
Now what does that mean??? Crazy right? I swear man, my subconscious mind be thinking of some off the wall stuff. But omg I promise you, all my dreams are PG lol so no worries. Maybe its addressing my Scorpio nature? You know we're the sexiest sign of the zodiac :) But yea, lol i don't know about that cuz I'd never do it in real life. I'm too innocent for that 0:)
Friday, July 17, 2009
#2: I Passed!
Hey hey hey yall! Guess what? Yesterday, I got my test results back from Collegeboard. I took the AP English 11 Exam in May, and I passed! I got a 3!
If you don't know, that's a good score. According to Collegeboard's AP Central, "The end product of the AP Exams are the AP grades that are reported to students, their schools, and their designated colleges in July. The colleges use these grades as evidence of the students' abilities and achievements when they make their decisions regarding whether or not to grant credit and/or advanced placement."
The AP grade scale ranges from 5 to 1.
5 = Extremely well qualified
4 = Well qualified
3 = Qualified
2 = Possibly Qualified
1 = Not recommendation
So as you can see, in AP English 11, I'm qualified! lol. But forreal, this came as a real surprise to me. I didn't think that I was going to pass. The exam was 5 hours long, and there were 3 essays in addition to multiple choice. I felt like I only did good on 1 of the essays, so I thought I wasn't going to pass. But as you can see, as a pleasant surprise, I passed. And since I passed, depending on what college I go to, if they accept AP Exam scores as college credit, I won't have to take English as a freshman :)
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
#1: Introduction to Skibop!!
The official first blog posting from ya girl Skibop!!
The time is now 11:36 PM, Tuesday, July 14, 2009. (yes I'm that press)
What I hope to accomplish on this blog is to express my feelings on various topics, whether it be about something on the media or something going on in my life. Whatever I type here more than likely won't be on SkibopTV, because I probably didn't feel like taping it, or I have too much to say in that short amount of time.
So yeah! There you have it, for now....
The time is now 11:36 PM, Tuesday, July 14, 2009. (yes I'm that press)
What I hope to accomplish on this blog is to express my feelings on various topics, whether it be about something on the media or something going on in my life. Whatever I type here more than likely won't be on SkibopTV, because I probably didn't feel like taping it, or I have too much to say in that short amount of time.
So yeah! There you have it, for now....
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