This dream I had don't make no goddamn sense.
There was Rihanna. We were in the car coming back from somewhere... it was me, my mom, my brother and Rihanna, I think we were coming back from church... and I had fallen asleep in the back of the car but had woken up as Rihanna had driven into our neighborhood. It was nighttime and really dark, and as we arrived near my house, she said "is anybody up, it's pretty lonely", and I said "I'm awake," so she looked back at me from the rear-view mirror.
Then after she arrived at my house, she said she wanted to go the gas station before she left for good to get some coffee for the night. I think she was leaving for the Monster tour, or some shit like that, I don't really remember. So then my brother decided he wanted to go to (I was mad because i wanted to bond with Rihanna). I called shotgun because I assumed she was driving, but nope. Some random lady who was our neighor. And I see this other lady move our recycling bin, so I shouted "thank you" out the window but Rihanna responded "you're welcome".
So we arrive at the gas station, but it's a jank joint, not even on that Sheetz or Wawa level, but like those truck stop ones with the tiny ass gas station. So we go in there, first we all see this 50 cent dispenser of those wonder balls, basically a plastic egg with different candies inside. So I bought one and started eating it... it had smarties and some chocolate candies... Next thing you know, we're all separated. I turn around and everyone is gone, the plaee is packed. I walked around the gas station looking for Korean snacks... I say some watermelon flavored moon pies (yuck) and a guy who mistook me for a worker. I ended up leaving and ended up in a hotel convention room where there was a fancy dinner going on,,, everyone was dressed up. I walked around looking for something to eat because I was hungry. But see I wasn't so hungry that I wanted a meal, but that I wanted a snack. I was really adamant about the damn snacks I wanted to eat. I walked across sample tables, saw so many people from church I used to know, they all had families even though they were younger than me, it was so weird... then there;s a part of the convention room that let out to a real restaurant, and as I head that way, I notice I'm wearing roller skates, so as I try to go up the steps, I end up tripping and falling, and then I also notice I'm wearing a dress with a split in it, and again, I'm like wtf... but okay.... ended up not going up there after busting my ass and walk back towards the sample table but didn't grab any samples because their was a line. I walk back out and think whether or not I should go to McDonalds because it's also right there... decided not to.
So I walk back outside, and there it's raining, and it's a field crowded with people. I finally see Rihanna again, and she's playing football has her laundry basket (you know the stand up cylinder ones that are made out of cloth and plastic). I saw her pushing her basket past me and I yelled past her "Are you drunk?" Then some time past, dawn was near because the sky wasn't as dark anymore, and I saw my friend Minlo as he was trying to intercept the laundry basket. Someone had thrown it (because apparently it was the football in the game), and it landed near a muddy puddle. I said "make sure that doesn't get wet" because Rihanna needed it for the Monster Tour.... and that was the end of my dream, complete with background music as if it was a movie or something..
TF was that? So much going on that I don't even....
So this dream is basically saying that I need to get my lifeu. From start to finish, I started off unsure and unsuccessful of my dreams (that's why I was wobbly on the skates), to feeling competitive and going to be successful (watching football is a good thing). So my future is looking pretty optimistic once I get my act together. Apparently I'm dependent on Rihanna though.. but wtf? I have never even thought about her for months.
Friday, August 8, 2014
Monday, July 7, 2014
Jun K. and Me
I had a dream last night that I was working at a company with Jun K. We rode the bus home together, and I started flirting with him. I ran my fingers through his hair and he liked it, so I kept doing it while he switched positions. First he was sitting next to me, then he laid his head in my lap, then I was stroking his hair near his sideburn and then we ended up with him straddling me in his lap while I continued to stroke his hair lol
Then my stop came and he got off the bus too. He walked me home, and as we got to the front of the house my mom came outside. So we kind of just waved at each other. I asked him if he wanted to come in and wait for Fei, because apparently she was my sister in the dream and I knew Fei would be coming with SunJian, her tv boyfriend from Perhaps Love. He declined and sat on the porch as he called for a taxi, and I went inside and upstairs to find a bunch of people in my parents' room. Some random people, like Wilke from Switched At Birth and a short white guy I couldn't recognize lol. And then my dad was complaining about the vacuum cleaner, and how I wasn't using it correctly because it made a lot of noise... just weird AF
I think it's really strange of me to have a dream about Jun K. when 1) I'm not even attracted to him. Yes, he's handsome, but physically, I'm just not attracted to him or any other 2PM member 2) Since when did I care about 2PM? lol 3) I looked it up on dreammoods, and apparently stroking someone's hair means you want to connect with them on a spiritual level. I mean his Japanese mini is flawless but it's Jun K. like come on..... impossible.
Interesting to note that Fei was my sister though. Yeah I think out of all the Miss A members, I'd want Fei as a sister but that's still awkward. And Fei was dating Jun K. in the dream, so for me to be all up on my sis's boyfriend like that is faulty, smh.
Saturday, June 29, 2013
Miss A 3rd Anniversary Appreciation Letter
Dear Miss A,
Congrats on your third year! I have only been a Say A for seven months now, but I am just as dedicated as your fans who have been with you since debut. Before you, I detested girl groups. Used to the Western industry, I refused to get into them because:
1. There was always one lead singer who got most of the lines and the rest of the members would be in the background, and
2. The group would always inevitably break up and the lead artist would go solo.
But you girls were different. When I stumbled across I Don't Need A Man, I was instantly hooked. The cool choreo, the urban-esque style, and the great message... I loved it all. My curiosity peaked as I watched more of your videos, starting from Bad Girl, Good Girl and working my way forward.
I had finally found a girl group that spoke to me, for me, and successfully conveyed those feelings through music. What made Miss A stand out from all the others, was the fact that you had no official titles: no main or lead vocal, no main dancer, no main rapper, etc. You didn't need them; your individual talents speak for themselves, and together as a group you're well-rounded and unstoppable.
Didn't take me long to fall in love with you girls. I found myself watching every english subbed interview I could find, and eagerly waiting for fan cams from your concert appearances. Through these, I got to know of each of your colorful personalities and cheer for you, not only as a member of Miss A, but through your individual activities as well.
I love that you girls don't follow conventional trends and that you take risks with your music. I want to thank you Miss A, Min, Jia, Suzy and Fei, for being a girl group full of confidence, strength, sexiness and sass, for as you say, "this is for all the independent ladies." I am so proud to be a Say A. I cannot wait for you girls to slay your next comeback, and blow your competition out the water. Right now, you stand for Miss Asia, but I hope one day you come to stand for Miss All Around The World.
You girls have so much potential and I know that so far, you've only given us but a taste of what you're truly capable of. I wish Miss A many more years of success and happiness. I will always be here rooting for you, all the way from America. I have no doubt that you girls are on your way to the top, and when you do make it, please go on a world tour, especially to DC.
Peace, love and blessings from a proud Say A,
Congrats on your third year! I have only been a Say A for seven months now, but I am just as dedicated as your fans who have been with you since debut. Before you, I detested girl groups. Used to the Western industry, I refused to get into them because:
1. There was always one lead singer who got most of the lines and the rest of the members would be in the background, and
2. The group would always inevitably break up and the lead artist would go solo.
But you girls were different. When I stumbled across I Don't Need A Man, I was instantly hooked. The cool choreo, the urban-esque style, and the great message... I loved it all. My curiosity peaked as I watched more of your videos, starting from Bad Girl, Good Girl and working my way forward.
I had finally found a girl group that spoke to me, for me, and successfully conveyed those feelings through music. What made Miss A stand out from all the others, was the fact that you had no official titles: no main or lead vocal, no main dancer, no main rapper, etc. You didn't need them; your individual talents speak for themselves, and together as a group you're well-rounded and unstoppable.
Didn't take me long to fall in love with you girls. I found myself watching every english subbed interview I could find, and eagerly waiting for fan cams from your concert appearances. Through these, I got to know of each of your colorful personalities and cheer for you, not only as a member of Miss A, but through your individual activities as well.
I love that you girls don't follow conventional trends and that you take risks with your music. I want to thank you Miss A, Min, Jia, Suzy and Fei, for being a girl group full of confidence, strength, sexiness and sass, for as you say, "this is for all the independent ladies." I am so proud to be a Say A. I cannot wait for you girls to slay your next comeback, and blow your competition out the water. Right now, you stand for Miss Asia, but I hope one day you come to stand for Miss All Around The World.
You girls have so much potential and I know that so far, you've only given us but a taste of what you're truly capable of. I wish Miss A many more years of success and happiness. I will always be here rooting for you, all the way from America. I have no doubt that you girls are on your way to the top, and when you do make it, please go on a world tour, especially to DC.
Peace, love and blessings from a proud Say A,
Saturday, February 9, 2013
#19: Miss A Dream
I had a dream last night about Miss A. It was sooo random, but funny and awesome. If only it was real...
Miss A came to visit America and they needed a place to stay, so I offered to let them stay with me in a hotel. It think it was a suite, with a king size in one room and two doubles in another. We were all hanging in one room, the room with the king sized bed. Fei was sitting opposite the door against the wall, and Jia (my bias) was sitting on the bed. I think Suzy was standing up, and Min wasn't there.
Jia went over to converse with Fei, asking her something, I forget. Fei, she was basically the leader conveying their plans of what they needed to do, and I was interrupting them by blurting out words to describe Fei lol. I was like "You're awesome" and it's funny because in my mind I remember distinctly thinking of the korean word for awesome which is daebak.
SO anyway, I ended up talking the most with Jia. She was the only one who tried to converse with me in English. Some things she couldn't understand, and some of her responses to my questions didn't make sense, but we still had a cool conversation. She was laying on the bed on her stomach facing me and I was sitting up across from her. We talked about ideal types. I asked her who her type was and she said she liked Angelo" and I was like "Angelo? You mean Angelo from Switched at Birth?" and she nodded and smiled. I agreed, "yeah he's hot" and started laughing. Then Jia said "you look like you have a lot of ideal types. From light to dark," or something like that. And I nodded because it was true.
Then all of Miss A disappeared from the room :( I think they went somewhere. Some guy came in and was complaining, apparently he was with Miss A and was mad that they all had to share a room. He left and then my family came in and my cousin noticed my Twilight book lol it was really random.
I'm sure I had this dream because I've been thinking about Miss A a lot. They are so daebak lol. Jia is my favorite member in the group, so I think that's why I became attached to her, like why we clicked the most lol. I really wish I could meet them, but they're k-pop artists, so the chances are very slim if not impossible already. :(
Miss A came to visit America and they needed a place to stay, so I offered to let them stay with me in a hotel. It think it was a suite, with a king size in one room and two doubles in another. We were all hanging in one room, the room with the king sized bed. Fei was sitting opposite the door against the wall, and Jia (my bias) was sitting on the bed. I think Suzy was standing up, and Min wasn't there.
Jia went over to converse with Fei, asking her something, I forget. Fei, she was basically the leader conveying their plans of what they needed to do, and I was interrupting them by blurting out words to describe Fei lol. I was like "You're awesome" and it's funny because in my mind I remember distinctly thinking of the korean word for awesome which is daebak.
SO anyway, I ended up talking the most with Jia. She was the only one who tried to converse with me in English. Some things she couldn't understand, and some of her responses to my questions didn't make sense, but we still had a cool conversation. She was laying on the bed on her stomach facing me and I was sitting up across from her. We talked about ideal types. I asked her who her type was and she said she liked Angelo" and I was like "Angelo? You mean Angelo from Switched at Birth?" and she nodded and smiled. I agreed, "yeah he's hot" and started laughing. Then Jia said "you look like you have a lot of ideal types. From light to dark," or something like that. And I nodded because it was true.
Then all of Miss A disappeared from the room :( I think they went somewhere. Some guy came in and was complaining, apparently he was with Miss A and was mad that they all had to share a room. He left and then my family came in and my cousin noticed my Twilight book lol it was really random.
I'm sure I had this dream because I've been thinking about Miss A a lot. They are so daebak lol. Jia is my favorite member in the group, so I think that's why I became attached to her, like why we clicked the most lol. I really wish I could meet them, but they're k-pop artists, so the chances are very slim if not impossible already. :(
Monday, May 28, 2012
#18: A Rihanna Music Video? (Dream)
Had a new Rihanna dream. In it, Rihanna and Jay Z were shooting a music video. It was for a song I had never heard of. I don't remember most of the lyrics, but in part of Jay Z's rap, he said something like "set it up". Rihanna's hair was like her Rated R hairstyle. She was dressed with a snapback and jeans, giving her a slight tomboyish look. They were standing at the end of some hallway next to the side door in some hotel. The walls were light grey-powder blue.
At the beginning of the dream, Rihanna was in front of the camera and said "this is how Aaliyah would do it" and she made two A's with her hands and put them up. (It was like I was watching a BTS video, and I remembered thinking 'yesss bitch you betta!') Anyways, after that she chuckled and then started singing/dancing behind Jay Z or whatever lol.
At one point in the dream, her choreographer was trying to get Rihanna to do this moonwalk type move; she said "do this up against the wall," and she slid her feet back until she hit the wall. Rihanna was like "I can't moonwalk!" but tried the move anyway and succeeded.
That was all I got to before I was rudely awaken by my phone going off -__-. Anyways, I'm glad I had this dream. What I loved the most was when Rihanna shouted out Aaliyah because I love them both very much :) This was the first time that I had a dream that I wasn't directly in. Also, I've never had an Aaliyah dream befor
e, but this takes me one step closer.
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
#17: Rihanna at the Restaurant
SO i had yet another dream about Rihanna last night. This one was shorter. But in the dream, Rihanna was sitting at this picnic bench with food. It was night time, and she had black hair. I was also sitting at the same table with my brothers. Rihanna was on the opposite side of the bench in the middle, and I was sitting across her to the right, my bros sitting to the left of me. The table was covered with a white cloth, and food that Rihanna ordered were on the table.
I looked at the table and there were two plates of salad, one plate looked picked over, and the other plate was next to Rih. Rihanna was eating a sandwich, like a grilled ham sandwich or something. I looked at the picked over plate of salad then back at Rih and shook my head, thinking how could she just waste food. She looked at me. I whispered to her, "what was on this plate?" I pointed at the plate. Her eyes got big, then relaxed. She said "It was a salad. I asked them to give me a new one because it wasn't fresh." I replied "Oh..." and that was the end to the dream.
Random right? Like wtf does that even mean? smh lol. I just know we were talking mad low, like we were legit whispering. and it's funny, because when I met her for real that one time, I was talking really low, but she heard me. I see I'm going to have to look up the meaning of salad now, lol
I looked at the table and there were two plates of salad, one plate looked picked over, and the other plate was next to Rih. Rihanna was eating a sandwich, like a grilled ham sandwich or something. I looked at the picked over plate of salad then back at Rih and shook my head, thinking how could she just waste food. She looked at me. I whispered to her, "what was on this plate?" I pointed at the plate. Her eyes got big, then relaxed. She said "It was a salad. I asked them to give me a new one because it wasn't fresh." I replied "Oh..." and that was the end to the dream.
Random right? Like wtf does that even mean? smh lol. I just know we were talking mad low, like we were legit whispering. and it's funny, because when I met her for real that one time, I was talking really low, but she heard me. I see I'm going to have to look up the meaning of salad now, lol
Saturday, April 7, 2012
#16: Meeting Rihanna Again (Dream)
Had the cutest dream about Rih. I dreamed I met her again, this time at a basketball game. I was with my family, sitting at the back of the lower level, and she was sitting at the front. The whole game, I was trying to get close to her by moving to seats down the rows. At one point she left the main floor and went out the double doors to the hallway; I tried to follow, but there were a bunch of security guards when I peeked out the door so I decided to go back in. I kept changing seats until I was right behind her. I whispered to my mom “Rihanna is right there.” Then I moved one last time. The row of seats in front of her were facing her, (like how metro seats are), so I sat in the one directly across from her. But I sat backwards in the chair facing the court, as a group of ladies was there talking. There was 2 minutes and 9 seconds left on the clock. I glanced back and Rihanna was looking at the ladies talking, so I turned around and faced her. She was wearing this dress:
and she had her hair and make up styled as it was at the Grammys: 
I whispered “Rih” two times and she directed her attention at me. She smiled sweetly and said “hi”. I said “hi, I know you probably don’t remember but I’ve met you before.” She said “Oh?” and I said “Yeah. I’d show you the pic on my phone but the game’s not over.” Her eyes got big and she asked “is it halftime yet?” I assumed she asked because she was wanted to get up, leave and talk with me some more. :) That was as far as I got to in the dream because my phone’s continuous beeping signaling its death woke me up -_-. But I know if I continued the dream, this is what would happen:
After the game, we’d go out into the lobby and I’d pose for a pic w/ her again, preferably a kiss one. I’d show her the old pic and she’d probably laugh about it, you know how she is; she’d be like “Haaa, I remember that red hair” AND THEN I would ask her, TO HER FACE to follow me on twitter! To her face this time, not write it on a piece of paper in hopes that she’ll read it. Then I’d say goodbye and she’d kiss me again :)
No secret as to why I had yet another Rihanna dream. The battle within me to redeem myself. I WANT that follow from Rihanna on twitter, like you don't understand. And I feel like even if I have to see her again and tell her to her face, it has to happen. She never sees my tweets on twitter, and if she does, she just ignores them. I'll never be happy until she follows me. I can't give up. Yes, I'm that pressT.

I whispered “Rih” two times and she directed her attention at me. She smiled sweetly and said “hi”. I said “hi, I know you probably don’t remember but I’ve met you before.” She said “Oh?” and I said “Yeah. I’d show you the pic on my phone but the game’s not over.” Her eyes got big and she asked “is it halftime yet?” I assumed she asked because she was wanted to get up, leave and talk with me some more. :) That was as far as I got to in the dream because my phone’s continuous beeping signaling its death woke me up -_-. But I know if I continued the dream, this is what would happen:
After the game, we’d go out into the lobby and I’d pose for a pic w/ her again, preferably a kiss one. I’d show her the old pic and she’d probably laugh about it, you know how she is; she’d be like “Haaa, I remember that red hair” AND THEN I would ask her, TO HER FACE to follow me on twitter! To her face this time, not write it on a piece of paper in hopes that she’ll read it. Then I’d say goodbye and she’d kiss me again :)
No secret as to why I had yet another Rihanna dream. The battle within me to redeem myself. I WANT that follow from Rihanna on twitter, like you don't understand. And I feel like even if I have to see her again and tell her to her face, it has to happen. She never sees my tweets on twitter, and if she does, she just ignores them. I'll never be happy until she follows me. I can't give up. Yes, I'm that pressT.
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